In coronavirus, we are facing an unprecedented challenge which threatens the lives of thousands, but together we can beat it. If we are to turn the tide of this disease, then every single one of us must do our bit and follow the government’s official advice – stay home, save lives.
The government’s rules are not only to protect you but everybody else. It can take 14 days before you start exhibiting symptoms; in that time you can encounter hundreds of people either on the Tube, at your workplace, or the pub after work. That’s why we must all work from home, and only essential workers should use the Tube.
If you develop a high temperature or a new continuous cough, self-isolate for seven days, and if you live in a shared household, everyone must self-isolate for 14 days. Above all, you must wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds, sneeze and cough into your elbow or tissue, and avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth.
To beat this cruel virus, we must all change how we live temporarily, and no one will be left financially worse off for doing the right thing. The government has unveiled huge plans to save businesses, help renters, protect jobs, and if more is needed, they have pledged to do it.
There’s no excuse for risking other people’s health and carrying on as usual. Each one of us must abide by the government’s advice to protect our NHS and save lives.
Article by Keith Prince AM first published in the Ilford Recorder.